Perinatal and Postpartum Therapists in Bergen County

Is Pregnancy or Being a New Mom Overwhelming?

Let us help

Know that you are not alone

business card of ashley czesak a therapist for women's issues in bergen county nj

When we were younger, many of us dreamed of becoming parents. We used to play house and dolls, never considering the hardship bringing life into this world could possibly present. Some of us may not have even thought about having children, but find ourselves as parents to be. Although you have a healthy pregnancy and baby, you may be struggling with the sleepless nights or the tantruming two-year-old that challenges you at every corner. You may be riddled with anxiety post-delivery and cannot understand why or how to manage. Motherhood is one of the most emotional journeys you may ever face, but you are not alone. We are here to support you wherever you may be on this journey. Remember, you cannot adequately care for your child if you are not taking care of yourself. Let us help you.

Many New Moms and Moms to Be Struggle with Their Emotions

You expected to feel excited and joyful during this special period of life, but the reality is not matching what you imagined. You’re exhausted, scared, feeling down, numb, angry – maybe a mix of each emotion at different times of the day. Your body and mind are going through so many changes. All of these feelings are normal as you adjust to your new role and your hormones rebalance. Generally, these feelings fade away with time and you start to experience the wonders of motherhood. Unfortunately, some women don’t bounce back on their own and suffer bouts of depression or anxiety. If you find yourself in this second group, it’s important to seek out the help you need so you can adequately care for yourself and your child.

Are You Suffering from Any of These Symptoms?

  • Excessive crying
  • Trouble bonding with your baby
  • Sleep issues
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Overall lack of energy and/or motivation
  • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Not finding pleasure in things you once enjoyed
  • Feeling isolated
  • Thoughts about harming yourself or your baby
  • Inability to concentrate or make decisions
  • Overly worried about your baby’s health or safety
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Headaches and stomach aches


The Support You Need to Find Your Footing

lotus flower

For women who are struggling with severe symptoms or for a prolonged period of time (typically 2 weeks or more), finding the right support system is so important for your mental and physical health. We are here to guide you on this journey and empower you to be the mother you want to be. In our office, you will find no judgment or minimization of feelings. We provide a comfortable, safe space for you to unpack your emotions and share what you are experiencing. At Your Path to Empowerment, we that you will be heard and your thoughts will be valued. During your sessions, we’ll help you process your emotions and teach you coping skills so you can find balance and enjoy caring for your new child.

Making the Time to Get the Help You Need

We get it. It’s hard to make the time to fit one more thing into your busy day. But caring for yourself is crucial. You can’t be the mom your little one needs if you are not physically and mentally healthy. Breaking away from your responsibilities for just a weekly one-hour therapy session can make motherhood more manageable and help you have a more joyful experience with your child. Taking time for yourself to get the help you need doesn’t make you a bad mom – it makes you a good one!

Therapy Can Help You Find Joy in Being a Mom

For some women,promise  returning to the pre-pregnancy state of mind is not possible without some professional help. Our therapists are here to guide you through this emotional transition. We’ll equip you with the skills you need to manage your symptoms so you can enjoy motherhood.

During your sessions, we will:

  • Give you our undivided attention and listen to you without judgment
  • Help you to recognize triggers
  • Aid you in understanding what is causing your feelings
  • Teach you coping strategies and techniques
  • Improve your communication skills so you can ask for help from your village of loved ones

If you are experiencing perinatal or postpartum depression or anxiety, getting help is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.

Ready to get help for perinatal or postpartum depression or anxiety?